Be Safe During Covid-19
Protecting us all during COVID-19
We are currently living in very unprecedented times due to the global pandemic and every changing variants of the virus. Having lost very close family members, friends, customers and colleagues, we all need to take the impact of this virus very seriously. We kindly ask all our customers to work together with us and understand the reason for some strict measures we have to implement for the benefit of all so we can all return back to a normal way of life. We take the safety and wellbeing of all our customers, staff, suppliers and couriers very seriously. In line with the public health scientist advisory committee to the United Kingdom government, on the guidelines to follow, we have made every effort to implement these to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
We continue to monitor the risks at our business premisses and improve these whenever possible. All customers entering the shop are asked to make use of the hand sanitisers placed at the entrance. Before entrance is permitted, all customers should be having a mask over their mouth and nose. Whilst inside the business premises, all customers including our staff and suppliers are asked to keep their face masks, covering both their nose and mouth. Entry into our business premises is strongly enforced by keeping the entrance locked and entry only permitted if face mask is worn or an exception document presented. We advise all customers to only touch products on the shelf if absolutely necessary. When every we feel that the risk is high at the business premisses and difficult to control we shall prevent customers from entering into the business premises until the risk is reviewed and minimised to an acceptable level Where services can be offered by an alternative means this has already been implemented so that the business can continue to service our customers.
As a result of the guidelines from the government, the business has implemented (where reasonably practicable) a range of controls which include:
- Entrance into the shop only permitted if face mask is worn. Face mask to cover both mouth and nose. In case face mask cannot be worn, customers will be asked to present exemption document.
- Hand sanitisers are installed at the entrance of the business and clear notice to make use of this whilst in the business premises.
- Customers are advised not to touch and pick products from the shelf unless they will be purchasing these. Shop staff are always there to assist in terms of information or advice.
- All staff have been informed to regularly wash their hands or use sanitisers after serving every customer. Staff have been informed to wear face mask whilst in the business premises.
- We have enhanced cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with official guidance for all our operations.
- We have taken all reasonable steps to easily notify our customers to maintain a 2 metre distance wherever possible. Where social distancing is not always possible, we have put in place measures to manage transmission risk including limiting the number of customers in our business premises & one-way pedestrian traffic systems where practicable.
- We have increased the level of signage in the store to ensure that social distancing and hygiene standards are observed.
- We have provided information, instruction and training to ensure staff are fully aware of the precautions needed to control transmission.
- We collect personal data to support test and trace procedures.
The risk are continuously monitored and reviewed by management to ensure controls are still relevant and being implemented. The management will continue to review the impact of local restriction and lockdowns across the UK and keep our customers informed of the impact to the services we offer.